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2016-06-28 01:04

系统使用Delphi 7.0和SQL Sever 2000作为开发工具,利用微软语音引擎,通过它和相关的语音接口实现了信息录入,语音点名和投影点名,点名信息维护,点名事后重现,数据库备份与还原等必需的功能,其操作简单,界面友好,运行稳定,适用于大中专院校课堂教学管理。
关键词:DEPHI;ADO;语音引擎;SQL Sever 2000

  This system is a typical Managing Information System (MIS). Its development involves the construction and preservation of the backstage data base and the exploitation of the front item application procedure. For the former, it requires to set up a data base whose data is consistent and integrated and secure. For the latter, it requires the function of the application procedure is complete and easy to use. The roll call system for the teachers in classes which supports the speech sounds is a unified management of the students. It can school, enquiries, modify, delete and withdraw conveniently. It also can master the situation of the students in classes in any time.
This paper uses Delphi 7.0 and SQL Sever 2000 as the development tools , realizes the voice roll call by taking the use of the Microsoft speech engine and its related voice interface, the system carries out the information to record to go into, speech roll call and cast shadow the roll call, have a roll call the information maintenance and have a roll call the after the event to re-appear, essential functions such as the database backup and revivification etc. the operation is simply, the interface is friendly, the run is more steady, this management system is suitable for college student’s apartment management.


Keywords: DEPHI;ADO; voice engine; SQL Sever 2000


    上一篇:计算机审计数据的采集、清洗与转换在联网审计 下一篇:基于图匹配的组合算法和普通组合算法的比较实