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2016-06-28 01:04

摘   要
The huge success and continued development of Web Service make it pervade into every field of business and person’s life . More and more people just use IE and then could get all kinds of Web Service, such as Web Shopping , Web Transaction , Web Games , Web Chatting and Making Friends。How to find the service we need has become a new topic now.
When there are a large number of web services available, it is non-trivial to quickly find web services satisfying the given request. Furthermore, when no single web service satisfies the given request fully, one needs to compose multiple web services to fulfill the goal. Since the search space for such a composition problem is in general exponentially increasing, it is important to have wise decision on underlying data structures and search algorithms. 您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。
This article is about the experiment based on a new association of web service, in another words ,that is a web association based on the theory of Graph match . By this new way, we can improve our efficiency to find the real information we need.
Keywords: The match of Graph; WSDL; UDDI; Association of web service


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