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2015-08-15 01:23
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,生命与生存的悲剧—从《红高怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:  摘   要 莫言在《红高粱


摘   要



Moyan says in Red Sorghum Family center dares to live dares to die, dares the life consciousness which likes daring to hate to take the main key, wrote a crowd to dare to speak; Has the bandit bad habit actually to remove the bullies and bring peace to the law-abiding, the protection foreign aggression hero. Moyan by a filled with grief heart, through to is happy actually like "appears briefly" the life to sigh with sadness, vitality crazy dance praise and to survival difficult and solemn and stirring grief, has performed a life dance music and the survival elegy, also expressed he deep sincere tragedy consciousness. Moyan s tragedy consciousness main origin to four aspects: The foreign work influence; the childhood life experience; the countryside ; the city life contrast experience and drops, "a kind of degeneration" to the vitality the deep anxious
Keywords: moyan; Red Sorghum Family; Tragedy consciousness


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