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2015-08-16 01:34
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,略论陶渊明饮酒诗的意象论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘   要 陶渊明是我国古


摘   要



Tao Yuanming was our country ancient times in the history of literature the first massive creations drinks wine the poem person, it drank wine the poem to hold the extremely important status in its creation work, Tao Yuanming drinks wine the poem in the poetry image art creation excellent, fresh, the light nature, real was persuasive, has the extremely high artistic value, specially in poem very many concrete images (for example the bird, the chrysanthemum (pine), liquor and so on) all had its profound symbolic metaphor significance. First, Tao Yuanming drank wine the poem bird image is passes and "to turns over to birds admiring" "to birds yearning for" two aspects to express his noble ideal and the mood; Next, drinks wine in the poem in Tao Yuanming, the chrysanthemum (pine) that kind "was honest" and "relaxed" the noble moral character to unfold the spirit which own dared to resist, dares to struggle; Finally, the poet on the one hand borrows "the liquor" to chant the bosom, on the other hand "the liquor" center asks to say, unfolded own to dare to get angry dares the word, the nature no matter what the real true quality of a hero and the famous litterateur were loose. These images are reposing poets ideal and the sentiment, is the poet personality reappearance. Only then drinks wine in the poem these images artistry Tao Yuanming and the ideological nature perfectly unifies, can grasp the Tao Yuanming poetry truly, can know Tao Yuanming its person truly. 内容来自www.nseac.com
Key words: Tao Yuanming; Drinks wine the poem; Image



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