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2015-08-18 01:04
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论孙悟空形象的猴性与人性论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要 吴承恩在《西游


摘   要



Wu Cheng-en has succeeded in moulding a lot of vivid artistic images in Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is one of the models moulded the most successfully among them . This image has been gone through from history to the development course to scholars work of the legend, have formed the artistic image of people , beast , spirit " three an organic whole " of collecting day by day. As regards external body looks, " Thunder Gods mouth of hair face, bowlegs , cripples step , red buttocks , take another tail that can never be taken off ", spirit Sun Wukong still demonstrates very outstanding monkey. In view of interior quality, its thought behave more and more complicated, leading status at the human nature. Certainly, on Sun Wukong, the monkey is not totally independent each other with the human nature , but influence on each other while setting against, blend each other, if its active is a monkey, with the crossing of human nature . According to development course of the story, from gather the efficacious air in the world  and grow to create an uproar in three circle learn from elses experience right fruit of building to Western Paradise and then of world Sun Wukong, reflect convergence and socialized evolution of people of monkey. In this course, Sun Wukong understand by one hair monkey of social trends grow into one intelligent alert. This course is reflecting a kind of " the thing - persons - spirit " evolution law . (科教范文网http://fw.ΝsΕΑc.com编辑)
Key words: Journey to the West; Sun Wukong; monkey nature; human nature


    上一篇:奇异的吉普赛精灵—吉普赛女 下一篇:论李清照诗词意象的转变