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2015-08-18 01:04
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论李清照诗词意象的转变论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘   要 李清照的词婉约


摘   要



Apart term most representative works, fresh, worried and indignant, deep. Apart term, someone sincere affection, use simple and straightforward style of writing law, smelting Allah language.  Term, major depicting young girls, young womens lives, many wrote erotic, reveals her love for life and leave lovesickness suffering. Her first term, mainly through a fresh and lively, young women Her show us the images of a single picture. Late term, multi-feeding ones lot, sometimes revealed to the Central Plains miss to express her patriotism. Changes brought about by the late era of personal destiny changes, the works show a bright all lonely sadness imaging. Apart unique literary creations with distinct imagery, the first to send home most representative works to future generations greater impact in terms Tan, carve its own, known as "Yi-body."
 Key words: Li Qingzhao; Simple and beautiful supple is graceful; Sentiment of the missing; Lonely sentiment; Image transformation


    上一篇:论孙悟空形象的猴性与人性 下一篇:没有了