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2015-08-16 01:34
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论汪曾祺小说的美学价值在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:  摘   要    


摘   要



Wang Zengqi was links up the present contemporary literature writer,his novel style was unique, so it has the esthetic significance and the artistic value .Wang Zengqi has broken the poem, the prose and the novel boundary. His novel does not arrest methodicalness, narrate and  light  the plot. The novel has the intense prose tendency. The novel language is aways the short phrase, the spoken language, but actually has accomplished one kind of fresh plain atmosphere; The characterization are ordinary unimportant person, but on their body completely has the noble sentiment, the fine mind. Wang Zengqi’s novel has the unique artistic esthetic value. This novel Characteristic accomplishs him in the Chinese present age history of literature achievement and  creats  the influence.
Key words: Wang Zengqi; novel characteristic; art price; esthetic significance.


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