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花开两朵 芬芳各异─《西厢

2015-08-19 01:21
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,花开两朵 芬芳各异─《西厢在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:  摘   要    


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    Western Chamber and Peony Pavilion all is reflected the youth men and women break through the feudal ethics and rites the fetter and the pursue free love ideal, the opposition feudalism despotic outstanding dramatic work. This article is divided four parts carries on the comparison to Cui Ying-ying and the Du Liniang image. First analyzes they respective image, for person in a whole understanding; Next the social background, the living conditions which locates from them enter the topic, the confirmation environment and the person disposition relations; Once more the brief analysis they the rebel image similarities and differences, separately from aspect and so on age, sentiment, sexual desire and rebel disposition carry on the comprehensive comparison; Finally promulgates Cui Ying-ying and Du Liniang surmounted the profound connotation which traditional consciousness the rebel disposition has.
    Key words: Cui Ying-ying; Du Liniang; Time background; Living conditions; Disposition; Compared with


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