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2016-05-28 01:08
导读:企业管理论文论文,中国企业全面预算治理的现状与建议(上)(1)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 【摘 要】西方企业从
【摘 要】西方企业从20世纪20年代开始运用全面预算治理整合企业治理,积累了丰富经验,20世纪80年代以来,理论界又出现了作业预算,Kaplan预算模式,超越预算等全新的研究成果。我国企业自改革开放后开始推行预算治理,在鉴戒西方经验与自身积极的探索中,初步形成了适合我国国情的全面预算治理制度,但仍存在很多方面的不足,本文结合前人调查研究成果,从理论层面和实践层面总结出我国企业全面预算治理存在的不足。针对以上不足,以前人提出的中国团体公司预算治理框架为蓝本,以团体公司为典型,结合中国移动通讯团体公司全面预算治理的成功案例,从战略与全面预算控制体系的对接,预算目标的确定,预算的执行与控制和预算考评四个方面提出了一些公道建议,以使全面预算治理能在中国企业中更好地发挥治理整合平台的作用,增强中国企业在国际市场上的竞争力。 [关键词]:全面预算治理;经营计划;价值治理;全面预算治理框架 ABSTRACT
Comprehensive Budgeting has been widely used as an effective way of management in western corporations since 1920s, and rich experience has been accumulated. From 1980s on, several new budgeting models have emerged in theoretical world, including Activity Based Budgeting, Kaplan Budgeting Model and Beyond Budgeting. In China, companies and corporations began to apply Comprehensive Budgeting since its reform and opening to the outside world. By learning to the western experience and exploring actively by themselves, they have established a budgeting system that is proper in Chinese business environment. However, there still are some disadvantages in some respects. Based on previous research, the disadvantages have been concluded in both comprehension and application of budgeting under the requirements of Value Based Management (VBM). In order to remove the above defects, with the guidance of the Framework of Comprehensive Budgeting for Chinese Corporations, some suggestions for Chinese group corporations are given under the enlightenment of successful experience of China Mobile in four aspects as join of strategy and budgeting system, fix of budgeting goal, enforcement and control of budgeting, as well as review of budgeting. These suggestions are aimed to make Comprehensive Budgeting a better tool for management in Chinese corporations to strengthen their competency in international market. Keywords: Comprehensive Budgeting, operation plan, Value Based Management, framework of Comprehensive Budgeting 目 录


摘 要 Ⅰ
第一章 引 言 1
1.1选题背景 1 1.2本文的研究结论及研究方法 1
1.3论文结构 1
第二章 国内外全面预算治理理论和文献回顾 2
2.1国外预算治理理论的发展 2
2.2国内预算治理研究的发展 3
2.3本文的研究贡献 4
第三章 我国企业预算治理现状分析 5
3.1中国式预算治理的理论分析框架 5
3.2理论层面分析我国预算治理现状 5
3.3实践层面分析我国预算治理现状 6
第四章 对中国企业开展全面预算治理的建议 10
4.1战略与预算控制体系的对接 10
4.2预算目标的确定 10
4.3预算编制、执行与控制 11
4.4预算调整与员工激励 12
第五章 中国移动全面预算治理案例先容 14
研究结论和意义 20
参考文献 21 第一章 引 言 1.1 选题背景
上一篇:几种营销模式在工程机械中的应用(1) 下一篇:国际信用:被忽视的出口软竞争力(1)