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2015-04-27 01:44


摘要:随着电子商务的发展,企业与企业之间的交流变得更为方便快捷,人们通过网络实现商品交易,如:部分农产品销售成为可能。电子商务在农产品交易中的应用,能实现农业资源的合理配制,获得企业在竞争中的优势,是转变经济增长方式的有效途径,是湘潭市农产品交易发展的趋势。本文综述了我国农产品交易平台发展现状,分析了目前湘潭市农产品交易平台存在的问题,其中着重对网络支付安全存在的问题作了分析,并针对问题提出了相应的建议。 同时,通过广泛的调查分析,借鉴国内外农产品交易平台发展的成功经验,联系企业的实际,提出了湘潭农产品交易平台相应的解决方案,以利于改善我国地级市农产品交易平台的发展现状,加快农产品交易的电子商务进程有1定的积极作用.


The agricultural trading platform project planning &actualize of Xiangtan
Abstract: Along with the electronic commerce development, enterprise communicate with each other become more convenient and efficient, people through the network commodity transactions, such as sales of some agricultural products as possible. E-commerce in agricultural trading, agricultural resources to achieve a reasonable preparation become true, access to business competition advantage of the change of the economic growth mode is an effective way , which is the development of the agricultural trading trend. This article summarized our country agricultural product transaction platform development present situation, has analyzed the present Xiangtan city agricultural product transaction platform existence question, which focuses on network security to pay the existing problems, proposed to tackle the problem and the corresponding recommendations. At the same time, through extensive investigation, Profits the success experience from the domestic and foreign agricultural products transaction platform development, relate to enterprises reality, the Xiangtan agricultural product transaction platform proposed the corresponding solution, so as to improves our country level city agricultural product transaction platform the development present situation, Accelerate agricultural process e-commerce transactions will certainly play a positive role.

Key words : Electronic commerce; Agricultural product transaction platform; Database


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