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【摘要】 目的 确定营养保健食品蓝莓大豆酸奶最佳生产加工工艺的条件。方法 本实验用蓝莓汁和大豆为原料添加到鲜牛乳中,通过对蓝莓汁和豆浆添加比例的确定,以及正交试验对发酵条件的确定,制得产品。结果 向鲜牛乳中添加豆浆30%,蓝莓汁10%混合后,42 ℃的温度下,接种菌种(L∶S=1∶1)量为4%,木糖醇添加5%,发酵6 h。发酵结束后再转入0~5 ℃环境中进行12 h 后发酵, 即得成品。结论 本产品组织细腻, 风味独特, 营养丰富, 有很强的保健功能, 具有较高的商业推广价值。
【关键词】 蓝莓;大豆;酸奶;工艺
Abstract: Objective To determine the best producing and processing technology conditions of the health food: blueberry soybean yogurt.Methods In this experiment, blueberry juice and soybean were added as raw materials to fresh milk to make products, by determining on the ratio of the addition of blueberry juice and soy milk, and by determining on the fermentation conditions by orthogonal. Results The blueberry soybean yogurt processing condition was to add 30% Soybean milk and 10% blueberry juice to fresh milk. The mixture was inoculated with 4% bacteria strain (L∶S = 1∶1) and 5% xylitol, with fermentation 6h at 42 ℃. At the end of fermentation, it was transferred to the fermentation environment of 0~5 ℃ temperature for 12h afterwards.Conclusions This product is of delicate flavor and rich nutrition, and has a strong effect on health care. It has the higher value of commercial promotion.
Key words:blueberry; soybean; yogurt; process
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料和设备
1.2 方法
1.2.1 工艺流程
杀菌后的鲜牛乳 过滤← 溶解←木糖醇、CMC-Na,琼脂