2015-04-29 01:20
导读:[5] 斯塔里夫阿诺斯:《全球通史:1500年以后的世界》,上海社会院出版社1992年版,第567 页。 [6] Barraclough ,An Introduction to Contemporary History,pp.177- 178. [
[5] 斯塔里夫阿诺斯:《全球通史:1500年以后的世界》,上海社会院出版社1992年版,第567 页。
[6] Barraclough ,An Introduction to Contemporary History,pp.177- 178.
[7] Ibid. , p.177. 又见 K.M. Panikkar, Asia and Western Dominance (London, 1969 ), p.237.
[8] 陶文创:《中美关系史(1911-1950 )》,重庆出版社1993年版,序言第15-19 页。
[9] 关于保路运动和反对"二十一条"的运动,分别见刘大群:"谈湖广铁路的恶债性质,"载于丁名楠等主编:《中美关系史论文集》第一辑,重庆出版社1985年版,第234-235 页; Pierre Renouvin, War and Aftermath, 1914-1929 (New York, 1968 ), p.50.
[10] Hans Kohn, Nationalism: Its Meaning and History (Malabar , Florida 1982), p.85.
[11] Barraclough, An Introduction to Contemporary History, p.179.
[12] Ibid.; Kohn , Nationalism, p.86.
[13] Ibid., p.62.
[14] Renouvin , War and Aftermath, pp.142-133.
[15] Robert J. McMahon, Colonialism and Cold War : The United States and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence, 1945-1949 (Ithaca, N. Y., 1981 ),pp. 29-30. 关于越南和菲律宾的早期现代民族主义,分别见JohnT. McAlister, Jr.,Vietnam: The Origin of Revolution (Garden City ,N. Y. , 1971 ),chapter 5; H. W. Brands ,Bound to Empire:The UnitedStates and the Philippines (New York, 1992 ), chapters 3-5.
[16] Barraclough, An Introduction to Contemporary History, p. 171.
[17] Panikkar ,Asia and Western Dominance ,pp. 247-248;V. K. Kienan,European Empires from Conquest to Collapse, 1815-1960 (Bungay,Suffolk,1982), p. 214.
[18] Adam Watson, "European International Society and Its Expansion," in Bull and Watson eds. , The Expansion of International Society , p. 31. 又见Hedley Bull ,Justice in International Relations (Waterloo. Ontario,1984), pp. 22-23.
您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。 [19] Panikkar , Asia and Western Dominance ,pp. 203-204.
[20] Renouvin , War and Aftermath, p. 131. 又见 Kiernan,EuropeanEmpires from Conquest to Collapse , p. 184.
[21] Paul Kennedy , The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (New York, 1987), p. 287 ; Alfred Cobban, The Nation State and National Self-Determination (New York, 1969 ), p. 220.
[22] J. Spector , The First Russian Revolution :Its Impact on Asia(Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1962 ), p. 29.
[23] 《列宁选集》第三卷,人民出版社1972年版,第354-355 页。
[24] Cobban , The Nation State and National Self-Determination , p.52. 不久后,经二月革命适才上台的俄国临时政府宣称,它的目标是在"各民族有权决定自身命运"的基础上确立和平。Ibid. , p. 50.
[25] 威尔逊当时认为奥匈帝国在战后继续存在是一种政治必需,因而"十四点"只允诺给予奥匈帝国内部各民族"自治发展的最自由机会"。Ibid. ,pp. 53-54.
[26] Ibid., p. 55; Harold Nicolson, The Evolution of Diplomacy (New York, 1962 ), p. 117.
[27] Felix Gilbert, The End of the European Era, 1890 to the Present, 2nd Edition (New York, 1979 ), pp. 136, 276-277.
[28] Barraclough, An Introduction to Contemporary History, pp. 158,162 ; Cobban , The Nation State and National Self-Determination , p. 234.