2017-08-17 01:34
导读:主要: Acemoglu,Daron,Simon Johnson and James A.Robinson(2001),“ ColonialOrigins of Comparative Development:An Empirical Investigation ,”American EconomicReview,December ,91,
Acemoglu,Daron,Simon Johnson and James A.Robinson(2001),“ ColonialOrigins of Comparative Development:An Empirical Investigation ,”American EconomicReview,December ,91,5,1369-1401.
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Acemoglu,Daron,Simon Johnson and James A.Robinson(2004a ),“InstitutionalRoots of Prosperity ”,the 2004Lionel Robbins Lectures to be published by MITPress.
Acemoglu,Daron,Simon Johnson and James A.Robinson(2004b ),“INSTITUTIONSAS THE FUNDAMENTAL CAUSE OF LONG-RUN GROWTH ”,NBER Working Paper 10481.
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