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2016-06-02 01:01
导读:法学论文毕业论文,WTO环境下我国行政诉讼受案范围的研究论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: ABSTRACT study of r

study of reviewable administrative actions, or the scope of judicial review of administrative actions of the People’s Republic of China, has long time been the disputes and debates of scholars as well as law practitioners of administrative litigation law. With China’s constitutional adoption of the essential state policy of “rule of law” in 1999 and her accession to WTO(World Trade Organization) in 2001, the study of this topic has become a more heated one and enlargement of the scope of judicial review of administrative actions seems to be urgently necessary and unavoidable in China.
Beginning with the original meaning the concept “reviewable administrative actions”, or “the scope of judicial review of administrative actions”, the author of this *** has first discussed the essential value and function of administrative litigation, historical development of the scope of judicial review of administrative actions in China; then he has briefly made a comparative study of the topic with reference to its equivalents in other states, shows that the non-reviewable administrative actions in China , such as “abstract administrative actions”, “final administrative actions” and even “inner administrative actions” can well be reviewed since judicial supervision and review for administrative actions is only the natural conclusion of the conception of “state ruled of law”, and thus the detailed listing of “reviewable administrative actions” seems to be only unnecessary and misleading; and last but not least, the author made a detailed study of the stipulations in WTO Rules concerning judicial review, which require that “abstract administrative actions”, “final administrative actions” ,etc., shall fall in the jurisdiction of judicial review.
So the improvement and enlargement of the scope of judicial review of administrative actions in China is both unavoidable and clear: to make amendments to the administrative litigation law to review “abstract administrative actions”, “final administrative actions” and “inner administrative actions”;to delete detailed listing of “reviewable administrative actions” and to establish the essential rule in administrative litigation that any administrative actions shall be judicially reviewable unless the litigation is definitely forbidden by law and harmful to the principle of rule of law. Meanwhile administrative case law system can be adopted by China to clarify confusions related with the scope of judicial review.


引 言

行政诉讼受案范围,或谓“可诉行政行为”(reviewable administrative actions),是行政诉讼中突出而重要的 。究实在质,乃是行政相对人在自己的正当权益遭受行政主体侵犯、或得不到行政主体的依法保护而产生行政争议以后,能否真正得到司法救济、维护自身正当权益的关键;同时,又是行政主体的行政行为(包括行政作为和行政不作为)是否被切实有效地置于司法监视之下,从而确保行政主体依法行政、实现行政法治乃至“依法治国”目标的关键。
我国现行行政诉讼受案范围存在诸多题目,如受案范围过窄、在列举方式上对不同案件类型的划分及标准不同一等 。究其原因,乃是1989年4月4日颁布、1990年10月1日施行的《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》是当时和环境下的产物。在“民告官”还为新闻、行政诉讼尚未为人们普遍了解,思想、组织、职员、经验、等等预备都十分薄弱的情况下,行政诉讼的范围不可避免地受到一定的限制。
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